Veronika Shejbalová - lektorka češtiny a tlumočnice ze Španělštiny

Motivační online lekce češtiny

Chceš se cítit dobře, když komunikuješ česky a vidět rychlý progres?

5x PROČ mít lekce se mnou:

1. Nebudeš ve škole - já nebudu učitelka, ty nebudeš student. 
Pro mě budeš primárně člověk a já budu tvůj průvodce a motivátor na cestě k lepší češtině.
2. Spolu najdeme efektivní metody a strategie, které možná nefungují ostatním, ale budou fungovat tobě.
3. Vytvoříme spolu plán přesně pro tebe a budeme trackovat pokrok - takže progres vždy uvidíš.
4. Na lekcích jsem pro tebe vždy na 100 %.
Aktivně ti naslouchám a mám o tebe skutečný zájem.
5. Pomůžu ti udělat z češtiny projekt tvého života.
Reference od Bohdana
Veronika's teaching style is dynamic and encouraging, which has greatly boosted my confidence in learning Czech. She effectively incorporates real-life situations into lessons, providing valuable vocabulary. Her dedication to tailoring lessons to my learning needs and her patience in explaining complex grammar make her an exceptional tutor. Thanks to Veronika, I feel more capable and excited to progress in my language journey. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to make progress in learning Czech.
Bohdan from Ukraine
Recenze Rebeka
Veronika is an excellent Czech teacher! She keeps our lessons interesting and focused on conversation. I appreciate that she keeps track of key words for me to try and add to my vocabulary and prepares a list of several grammatical mistakes that I have made during our lesson. She adapts her teaching style to my needs. It is also interesting to discuss with her aspects of Czech society and how they differ from those in the US, which has helped me understand the Czech culture better. Highly recommended!
Rebecca from Washington DC
Reference od Casandry
Veronika is an excellent teacher. Her lessons are fun, interactive, she uses great materials and is very patient. I'm having a great time learning Czech!
Cassandra from Quebec

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